Season's Greetings!

I wanted to take a moment to thank folks for their support, during this past 2022 year.
After eight years of trying to design, source materials, make and sell my bags and other items, I’m now looking forward to tightening things up - not trying to figure out how to make everything that comes to mind.
Instead, I hope to focus on making a handful of interesting, functional items.
We’ll see - easier said than done.
I’ve learned a whole lot on this journey, over the past eight years, and continue to do so.
I’m fond of saying that I don’t fire myself nearly as frequently as I used to, and I keep showing up for work.
Folks often ask: “What’s your best seller?”
I haven’t been able to answer that question, because, every show (my most effective way to reach new customers) I have done, has had a totally different demographic/customer interest than the others.
This has made it very interesting, and challenging to plan inventory - what to make and how many.
I have tended to make things that I am curious about, many that I can use for my daily interests and activities. I hope others will find them enjoyable and useful, also.
There’s never any rhyme or reason for what’s going to be popular.
I usually use my yearly winter shop hibernation time to come up with a few new items - hoping to introduce them at the forthcoming new year's handful of shows.
The last few years of canceled and limited number of shows left me with a ton of inventory that was desperately in need of forever homes.
Well, I’m finally down to a fairly manageable stock, and I’m looking forward to what’s next; to explore on the workbench.
So, again, thank you all for your interest and support.
Wishing you all very Happy, Healthy and Safe Holidays, and a Wonderful, Productive New Year!
